Try the Benefits of Hypnosis

How would you like to be able to get your conscious thoughts so aligned with your unconscious, that you could be, do, have or achieve anything that was humanly possible? Who would like to be able to reprogram their own unproductive responses and install new and empowering strategies, or adopt the behaviors of successful entrepreneurs? Who would like to model the success strategies of great leaders and take on their level of self-belief, enabling empowering change at the deepest levels?

You can achieve these things, and more by using hypnosis and trance states and installing new behaviors and strategies while you are deeply relaxed. In such a state, suggestions pass to your unconscious mind without being filtered by your critical factor. You can adopt the imprintability of a child and absorb new learning from old experiences. With the help of a trusted coach, you can even reprogram your mind body connection and reduce and suppress pain.

I note with interest that Professor David Spiegel, of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University in the US, will be telling the Royal Society of Medicine to promote the use of hypnosis as an alternative to general anesthetics for some operations. He suggests that Doctors should be taught to hypnotise patients not to feel pain rather than resort to traditional anesthetics, and that it is time for hypnosis to work its way into the mainstream of British medicine.

The theory behind medical hypnosis is that the body’s brain and nervous system can’t always distinguish an imagined situation from a real occurrence. This means the brain can act on any image or verbal suggestion as if it were reality. Hypnosis puts patients into a state of deep relaxation that is very susceptible to imagery. The more vivid this imagery, the greater the effect on the body.

Dr Martin Wall, president of the Section Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine at the Royal Society of Medicine, said hypnosis fundamentally alters a subject’s state of mind. Hypnosis is not, he said, simply a matter of suggestibility and relaxation.

Interestingly, hypnosis was actually used in medicine before the discovery of ether when, as far back in1843, James Braid discovered that patients could undergo surgery without being rendered unconscious by a blow to the head, the previous technique. However, the practice of hypnotherapy is thought to go back even further, as long ago as 6,000 years, to the ancient Sumerian people, who used hypnosis as a therapeutic tool administered by priest-physicians.

Modern hypnosis is credited to Milton H. Erickson, an American therapist who in the 1950s and 60s began to develop the modern form of hypnosis to help him make health-improving suggestions to patients in a deep state of trance. It is in widespread use today by hypnotherapists and life coaches to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and clients.

Dr David Oakley, a Clinical Psychologist and Director of the Hypnosis Unit at University College London, believes hypnosis is a very valuable tool for assisting psychological therapists. He points out that if there is a good psychological treatment for a condition, then using that treatment while a patient is under hypnosis can be helpful in most cases. The basic idea is that the trance state helps the patient improve imagery, focus their attention and enter a more deeply relaxed state.

Why would you want to be in such a relaxed state? Because it is in that state that your Reticular Activation System no longer acts to filter your reality, and so impose your old beliefs and memories on you. You can remove unwanted beliefs such as those that limit your potential. You can install empowering new beliefs such the belief that you can have do or achieve anything that is humanly possible. You can even overturn years of self-doubt that may have been installed, deliberately or unconsciously, by your peers, siblings, parents or competitors.

The Buddha (562-483 B.C.) is quoted as saying “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.“
Where in your life do you think you could use that power and knowledge? What change would you like to make in order to improve your life and move forward in powerful new directions? What would you like to become?

We show you new techniques to deal with problems, see them as opportunities and clear the way to solutions. We teach you how to listen to your body and your inner voices so that you can live harmoniously with yourself. We leave you feeling confident and powerful, with the tools in your hands to do the job and so reach your full potential.

If you are interested in experiencing the beneficial effects of hypnosis and light or deep trance, why not click on the link below, fill in your details and get in touch.

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